RIVE Private Investment renews its support to L.E.R. Développement

RIVE Private Investment is pleased to announce the financing of photovoltaic assets developed by L.E.R. Développement.
RIVE Private Investment supports the ambitious growth plan of L.E.R. Development by setting up a mezzanine debt financing subscribed through the FCT Quartz fund. This facility will finance the acquisition and construction of photovoltaic power plants for a total capacity of nearly 20 MWp.
Yann Thomas, Managing Partner at RIVE Private Investment said: « We are delighted to renew our confidence in L.E.R. Development for this investment which once again demonstrates RIVE Private Investment’s ability to offer long-term support for the development of our partners. »
Dedicated to mezzanine debt financing of renewable energy infrastructure, FCT Quartz is a decorrelated investment solution offering a steady long-term return, enabling its institutional investors to play a role in tackling Climate Change.
About RIVE Private Investment
Founded in 2013, Rive Private Investment is an independent investment group specialized in sustainable infrastructure and tangible assets (medical and security aviation, railway rolling stock, industrial equipment…).
The team is made up of 20 investment specialists, who have already invested more than 2 billion euros in those strategies through nearly 100 transactions.
Rive Private Investment has a pan-European presence, through its four offices : Paris, Geneva, Luxembourg and Hamburg.
About L.E.R. Développement
L.E.R. Development is an independent French industrial player in the field of renewable energy, with more than 12 years of experience in the solar photovoltaic and wind energy sectors. The group is present across the entire value chain, from project development and structuring to the construction and operations of the plants.
Since its inception, the group has developed projects for more than 51 MWp and now has a portfolio of 289 MWp in late stage development.