Energy Transition

Investment theme driven by the shift in energy paradigm

Pioneer in the energy transition, RIVE Private Investment focuses on infrastructure small and mid-cap companies contributing to energy transition.

Mitigating climate change is a global and immediate challenge requiring a systematic shift to clean energies and calling for greater energy efficiency. This claims for a direct action on the largest sources of greenhouse gases emissions, among which the energy sector. This leads to a comprehensive rethinking of traditional patterns to improve generation, distribution and consumption of electricity and thermal energy.

Strongly convinced of our ability to contribute to the solution, RIVE Private Investment has been investing across the value chain for over a decade, leveraging our in-depth knowledge to support energy transition SMEs, to expand their infrastructure asset base and to build the future leaders of the energy transition.

As well-recognized player in the energy transition, RIVE Private Investment’s seasoned team combined with its network of leading experienced partners offer strong origination and technical capabilities during investment lifecycle.

A value-creating, sustainable investment solution

RIVE Private Investment, pioneer of this industry, has been focusing on renewable energy assets for the past decade.

Energy transition creates growing investment opportunities in energy efficiency and consumption segments, that RIVE Private Investment intends to seize.

RIVE Private Investment designs sustainable strategies in energy transition investments which are characterised by stable returns, low correlation with traditional asset classes and measurable environmental impact.

These offerings meet the increasing demand from investors who are seeking defensive sustainable investments compatible with their willingness to finance the climate change fight.

Active investor across the energy value chain

Through the successful investments of several funds and dedicated mandates over the past decade, we have developed a prime expertise in all key areas of the value chain, particularly solar, wind, green gas, hydropower and mobility infrastructure.

Renewable energies play a major role in fighting climate change. Thanks to extensive policy supports, considerable innovation led clean energies such as wind and photovoltaic power to provide a competitive and reliable energy source. More recently, other energy sources such as biogas, hydrogen or marine energies emerged to create a complementary renewable energy mix.


Renewable energies play a major role in fighting climate change. Thanks to extensive policy supports, considerable innovation led clean energies such as photovoltaic, wind, green gas, hydropower to provide a competitive and reliable energy source. More recently, alternative energy sources such as hydrogen or marine energies emerged to complete the energy mix.

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L'énergie la moins chère, l'énergie la plus propre, l'énergie la plus sûre est l'énergie qui n'est pas utilisée. L'efficacité énergétique est l'un des moyens les plus rentables de soutenir la transition vers une économie sobre en carbone. Les applications vont des réseaux de chaleur et de froid locaux à la rénovation de bâtiments inefficaces et à l'amélioration des performances énergétiques.


The cheapest energy, the cleanest energy, the most secure energy is the energy that is not used at all. Energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective ways to support the transition to a low carbon economy.
Applications range from local heating and cooling networks to inefficient buildings renovation and energy performance improvements.

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Les innovations technologiques permettant l’optimisation de la consommation d’énergie sont clés dans la lutte contre le changement climatique et doivent être largement déployées dans les années à venir. Les classes d’actifs identifiées sont notamment en lien avec la mobilité durable, le stockage et plus largement les installations en aval du compteur. A titre d’exemple, la mobilité électrique permet de significativement réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre du transport qui représentent le quart de l’empreinte de l’UE.


Transportation and storage form the bulk of investment needs in modern world. Transport is responsible for a quarter of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions and energy storage is the antidote to short-term intermittency.
Investments will take many forms with notably deployment of low-emission mobility and behind the meter solutions.

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€1.3 bnfinanced assets
> 900 MW financed capacity
> 35investments
> 100business partners

Our Partners

RIVE Private Investment, through its Energy Transition business unit, receives support from the European Union via the InvestEU fund.